The Merridale fuel management system has four basic components; the Auditor unit, the pump dispenser, the tank gauge and the computer software for analysis and production of management reports. These are all brought together by the electronics processing and communications package – either hard wired or wireless by using mobile phone GPRS technology.
The essential element being the Auditor – which is the fuel management unit providing two principle functions; the first being security, by authenticating the key and allowing access to the fuel pump, and the second being to record the details of the transaction and forward this to the data storage server.
From the early days the Merridale Auditor and office software have been marketed as a basic package for use in conjunction with existing dispenser pump installations. The concept of the integrated pump and Auditor was a logical extension for new installations, enabling Merridale to offer a single solution for all customer requirements. Further developments included electronic tank gauging to close the loop for absolute stock reconciliation.
In later years the scope of functionality of the reporting software has also evolved to meet different requirements ranging from a single site, entry level to multiple depots. Applications are available for both client servers and ‘cloud’ based systems. And by working in partnership with tank manufacturers, Merridale can offer a fully integrated fuelling installation, delivered off the back of a truck ready to connect up and start pumping fuel.