Turnkey solution incorporates dispensers and electronic monitoring.
When the time came to replace its bulk diesel storage facilities, Atlas Bulk Carriers (ABC) of Shepperton, were able to use this opportunity to implement a complete fuel management solution.
A specification was drawn up for a new 40K litres storage tank and integral commercial diesel dispenser. But rather than approaching individual component suppliers, the company invited bids from prospective vendors which were capable of supporting a total fuel management solution. Effectively an integrated tank pack including electronic contents metering and a computer linked monitoring for stock control and management reports.
[quote]In terms of initial outlay, the Merridale tank pack was not the lowest price offered but we are confident that it represents best value in terms of managing fuel costs in the business.[/quote]
A Merridale tank pack from MIS Fuel Monitoring of Wolverhampton was selected following a competitive run off against four other suppliers.
“In terms of initial outlay, the Merridale tank pack was not the lowest price offered but we are confident that it represents best value in terms of managing fuel costs in the business,” explains ABC managing director, Andy Wislocki.
ABC operate a fleet of 30 heavy goods vehicles. A third of these are grab lorries used for general purpose waste disposal. The remainder are mainly 32 –tonne eight wheelers which are used to support civil engineering ground-works with removal and delivery services for hardcore, sand and ballast. The firm is located at a gravel distribution point serving a nearby quarry. For further information see www.abcgrabs.co.uk.
The tank was installed on 2nd January, allowing a smooth transition over the holiday period.
“We had already removed the old tank from its bunded location. The new tank was literally dropped into position, connected to the existing power line and it was ready to fill and operate,” continues Andy Wislocki. “Since this is a self-contained tank, we can easily relocate it, should we decide at a later date, to move it to a new site.”
Drivers self serve using a smart key to turn on the pump. The amount drawn by each vehicle is stored on the Merridale Auditor unit which is connected to the traffic office via a wireless GSM link. Fuelling transactions are downloaded weekly by the traffic office as part of a routine procedure together with updating the fleet tachograph records.
[quote]At the present price of diesel and the way things are going, we wanted a rock solid solution, providing good quality management data as well as safeguarding this valuable stock.[/quote]
Currently ABC gets through 70k litres of diesel a month, equivalent to two tanker deliveries. With electronic tank contents monitoring the Merridale software provides absolute reconciliation of stock levels to fuel usage.
“At the present price of diesel and the way things are going, we wanted a rock solid solution, providing good quality management data as well as safeguarding this valuable stock,” said Andy .
He concludes saying, “The management data enables us to keep a tight rein on our operating costs. Good quality data allows us to price our services realistically, while also remaining competitive. Essentially there was more at stake than just buying a new diesel storage tank. We now have a total fuel management solution and that is what really counts in terms of the return on investment.”